Karen over at DidYouMakeThat was commenting on how sometimes she’s too tired to sew. I so with her on this one, by the time the day is over, I've finished work, college homework and the kids are in bed, I'm about ready to crash and I've lost count of the number of times I've fallen asleep on the settee (does it count if I fall asleep under the quilt I made?!) and yet another sewing opportunity has passed me by. ATM I've got half a Renfrew dress cut out, I need to make 2 costumes for me to wear to work and 2 for Miss C to wear (we're in the same year group in school so have the same homework!) and a book week costume to come up with for Miss M as well as the Rag Doll we’ve been making Christmas! My good intentions to have a handmade wardrobe went out the window the other day when I went to M&S and spent a LOAD of money on a working wardrobe, boo hoo! I just don’t have the time and I’m won’t make myself feel guilty over it. So I have to prioritise and sometimes and even on the settee under the quilt watching the penguins is more important!