but my local sewing shop has had trouble getting it from Brother. I was really excited about it at first now its dragging on a couple of weeks and the novelty has worn off! The chap phoned me up on Friday to apologise and is going to give me some free threads to make up for it so maybe its not too bad. When it does arrive I have a list of things to get started on, not all of them NEED to be done on an overlocker but I don't see the point in making them on the sewing machines when I have a new toy to play with! As it was my birthday we went to Hobbycraft to spend a lovely few hours wandering round looking to see what I could spend my birthday money on. Spent so much time looking at things I wasn't really interested in (does anyone else get seduced by Hobbycraft that way? I'm not really into cake decorating but spend ages in that aisle?!) that I ran out of time by the I had got to the fabric bit (must go there first in future). Anyway I bought myself a new sewing encyclopedia but I was actually looking for a drafting book to complete the one I already have, maybe one of the Built By Wendy range. I also bought a storage box in a vain attempt to organise my stuff, I find its the fabric thats the problem, my cupboard is overflowing, needs some stash busting projects to get the scraps out of the way!
I'm about to decorate our office and I have bought fabric for curtains but wanted to see how much of it I can do on the overlocker! Hoping most of it with just a little top stitching on the s/m.
I'm also going to make some water bottle holders for the girls as they will be having school lunches after Christmas (school is a building site atm as they put kitchen facilities BACK into the school, gotta love the local council for closing down the kitchens years ago and now spending millions to put them back in! God bless Jamie Oliver!) and I'm sure most of that can be overlocked (is that a word?).
A friend has just had a baby girl and although I already gave her some goodies I'm itching to make some delicious adorable baby girls things.... dunno what yet!
Bought some Halloween fabrics intending to make some bunting for the spooky day
Also planning on decorating Miss M bedroom and I intend on making lots of lovely cushions, duvets, curtains & bean bags for her. She's in the process of making me a mood board so that we both understand what she wants and can achieve it (Her plan was to turn her bedroom into a performance area with a stage and curtain!!!!!).
So lots of projects in my mind but waiting on the overlocker to arrive.... Don't worry you'll be the first to know when it arrives!