I made a banner! Whoohoo! We do a Halloween party for the kids and each year we gather a little more Halloween decor, usually plastic spiders and the like so I decided that it needed to be fabric.... and I HAD to buy some Halloween cotton. Searched around and found Robert Kaufman Eerie Alley so that and a bit of black twill and orange thread and we have a banner.
Ok I know its not the most amazing creation in the world of crafty blogs but I'm back! I also have bought some purple corduroy to make a skirt for myself (maybe with a bit of reverse applique if I can find a suitable fabric from my stash to contrast it), a lion costume for Miss M for school (need to get some fun fur!) and a little business venture for a friend. I also made some curtains for our study which I decorated the other week which ended up having to be hand sewn as the fabric was too thick for to do a blind hem on my machine! Took ages but done now! I want to decorate Miss Ms bedroom and make her curtains, pillows, duvet etc but I think I'll wait til after Christmas as there is enough to be doing without making life more difficult!!!!

Very Amazing Creation Crafty Blogs Supply A fabric Skirt.To get more design in weaveron textile click on this link....:http://www.weaveron.com/